Spitex Organisation Voraussetzungen

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Was braucht es, um eine Spitex-Organisation in mehreren Kantonen aufzubauen?

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   October 2020


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

MDR: Liability of the Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance (PRRC)

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   August 2021


Dispute resolution and litigation

Conflicts are part of business life. Conditions in business and competition can often be challenging, so occasionally disputes with business partners, customers or competitors cannot be avoided. Even, for example, something as simple as a dispute with a neighbour over the pruning of a fruit tree in the garden can need mediation. Prudent and comprehensive advice is crucial right from the start.

Arbeit am Computer

IT legislation and data protection

Digital Transformation in Switzerland 2022/2023

Angelica Dünner-Graf  •   Melanie Käser  •   Matthias Stauffacher  •   July 2023


Private Clients

If you want to focus on the important things in life, you need the right specialists who are always on hand with help and advice and who are already thinking about tomorrow, today. A responsible task, especially in the legal field.

Anwalt am Telefon

Distribution law

So schützen Sie das Markenimage von Luxusprodukten im Online-Handel

Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   March 2018

Labormedizin (Gorodenkoff)AdobeStock_423786889.jpeg


Vergütungen von Laboren

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   January 2020

Rolf Herter

Rolf Herter

Bewilligungen (Jacob Lund)AdobeStock_166185934.jpeg



Die Berufsausübung im Gesundheitswesen ist stark reguliert. Hier finden Sie, was sie für die Berufsausübung und die Abrechnung ihrer Leistungen zulasten der obligatorischen Krankenpflegeversicherung benötigen.


Tax Law

Taxes accompany us throughout our lives, both in business and personal spheres. Each transaction involves tax elements that, if neglected, can become a significant cost factor. With competent support and consulting, you will not fall into any tax traps.



Integrität und Transparenz im Heilmittelbereich

Um die Einhaltung der Vorgaben der VITH zu gewährleisten, bedarf es neuen Transparenz- und Kontrollmechanismen. Hier finden Sie, was Sie benötigen, um in diesem sich rasch wandelnden regulatorischen Umfeld bestehen zu können.

Anwalt auf Stockerstrasse

Competition and Regulatory

Wenn Hersteller auf Rabatte verzichten

Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   October 2019



We help you to identify and take into account liability risks as early as in the drafting process of contracts. Once the liability event has occurred, we support you in defending against liability claims and/or enforcing your claims for damages.

Spiegelung Kunstbild Reception

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

VITH - Integrität und Transparenz im Heilmittelbereich

Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   July 2019

Matthias Stauffacher

Matthias Stauffacher


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Ungereimtes zum therapeutischen Quervergleich

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   March 2019


IT legislation and data protection

The digital revolution has brought numerous new developments to the world of work, from promising business ideas to alternative forms of work through to innovative services. Yet these changes call for competence in dealing with the challenges that have arisen as a result.

Jürg M. Ammann

Jürg M. Ammann

Rechtsanwältin Melanie Käser

Distribution law

Das Franchisesystem schützen

Melanie Käser  •   February 2019

Philip Vlahos_02

Philip Vlahos

BAG: Von Hadi - Eigenes Werk, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=95191386

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

VITH: Behördenpraxis

Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   June 2020


Dispute resolution and litigation

Bundesgericht heisst Revisionsgesuch gut, fällt Leitentscheid

Remo Busslinger  •   Maëve Romano  •   April 2021