
Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Medizinprodukte: Sind Gratiszugaben verboten?

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   February 2020

Solidarhaftung Schweizer Bevollmächtigter (CH-REP)

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

CH-REP: Solidarische Haftung des Bevollmächtigten für Medizinprodukte

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   February 2022

Andrea Waditschatka_2

Carefully handling the trust that my clients put in me is an immense responsibility - and my motivation. What may seem trivial from the outside can be of central importance to someone. I take that very seriously. Precisely because justice does not always prevail legally, I am also a world-changer.. I want to make a difference and mediate between different positions. Transparency and empathetic advice are important to me. Even when I fight persistently, I play fair.

The deeper I deal with a legal issue, the more it engages me. That is why I am fascinated by very different areas of law. Whereas in employment law individuals are directly affected, in the field of pharmaceuticals and healthcare it is primarily a matter of implementing government regulations.

I like the direct contact with people I put all my effort into supporting them in difficult circumstances. As with climbing, I get an overview, act with preciseness, show courage as well as endurance - and with the goal in mind, I can grow beyond my personal limits.

Main Focus


  • German
  • English
  • Spanish


  • 2021 Admitted to the bar
  • 2018 Master of Law, Universität Zürich
  • 2017 Bachelor of Law, Universität Zürich


  • Since 2021 Associate at Streichenberg and Partner
  • 2019 Trainee at the public prosecutor's office Schaffhausen
  • 2018 Junior Associate at Streichenberg and Partner
  • until 2018 Regress Service at a major insurance comapny


  • Registered at the Zurich Bar Association
  • Swiss Bar Association (SAV)
  • Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)
  • Women Lawyers Switzerland

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Compliance Check: 20 Fragen zu Ihrer MDR Readiness

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   October 2021


Distribution law

Vertriebssysteme: Die Qual der Wahl

Melanie Käser  •   September 2020


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Integrität und Transparenz

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   May 2022


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Health Technology Assessment (HTA) - Stakeholderkonsultation: Wie ist vorzugehen?

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   October 2020

Fotosession mit Aline Widmer


Making-of Neuer Auftritt Streichenberg

Manuel Bader  •   Remo Busslinger  •   Melanie Käser  •   Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   January 2021

Jürg M. Ammann

Difficulties often lie somewhere completely different to where my clients initially suspect they are. That’s why openness is so important. By asking targeted questions I can gain an accurate grasp of the problem and the relevant legal context. Then it’s usually just a small step to all possible solutions.

Every case is different and deserves my undivided attention. It gives me pleasure to analyse the different factual and legal elements and to bring about a lasting solution for my clients – mostly SMEs and family offices. While the goal might be reached in some cases just with advisory support, other cases require my full support in court.

As varied as the legal profession is, what I really appreciate about my job is the freedom to organise myself and to pursue other interests outside of work as well. Regardless of whether it’s my foundation mandates, or my love of art and horses – everything I do, I do with passion.

Main Focus

  • Private clients
  • Foundations and trusts
  • Succession planning and inheritance
  • Commercial law and contracts
  • Corporate law
  • Liability
  • Tenant and landlord
  • Employment
  • Litigation and Arbitration
  • Debt enforcement


  • German
  • English
  • French


University of Amsterdam, LL.M.
University of Berne, Attorney at law
Admitted to the bar
Licensed administrator of real estate


  • Law clerk with a district court
  • Associate with two law firms in Zurich
  • Owner of a law firm in Berne

Memberships – Publications – Specialties

  • Registered at the Zurich Bar Association

  • Member of the Swiss, Zurich Associations

  • Member of the International Bar Associations (IBA)


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Nicht gebührende Vorteile - Aktuelle Praxis von Swissmedic

Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   July 2018

VITH 10 dos and donts


VITH für Leistungserbringer: Die 10 wichtigsten Dos and Don’ts

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   December 2019

Besprechung zwischen Anwälten mit Tablet

Distribution law

Streichenberg unterstützt Valora in der Übernahme von 39 Tankstellenshops von Moveri

Melanie Käser  •   Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   Dr. Christoph Wildhaber  •   September 2021

Emergency Exit


Liability, Damage and Insurance

Manuel Bader  •   July 2024

Integrität und Transparenz (choknit) AdobeStock_405702810.jpeg

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Integritäts- und Transparenzverordnung

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   May 2022

Besprechung Anwalt und Assistentin in Büro


From A as in agreement to Z as in zoom-meeting

From the onboarding process to the termination of an employment relationship, as well as far beyond, various legal issues, conflicts and questions can arise for all parties to an employment relationship. This requires foresight as well as comprehensive advice and guidance.

Focus Areas

Like many other areas of law, employment law is highly exposed to current world events as well as constantly changing social topics and is developing rapidly. We offer our clients competent, comprehensive advice and support in all day-to-day and new challenges of employment law and provide customized solutions.

Contract drafting

The employment relationship gives rise to innumerable rights and obligations for both parties. The foresighted drafting of an employment contract can make a substantial contribution to avoiding future conflicts. We support you in negotiating and drafting contracts, including accompanying documents such as expense regulations, employee handbook or whistleblowing guidelines. In addition, we advise you on all aspects of compensation.

Smooth daily business

We are also familiar with the daily challenges for employers and employees, be it in relation to the pandemic with home office and short-time work, the regulatory requirements of public employment law or the rules of the Gender Equality Act. We analyse and optimise your processes in onboarding as well as in offboarding and thus help you to identify potential conflicts and to avoid or amicably resolve them through a proactive approach.


An employment relationship can be terminated unilaterally by one party or the parties can mutually agree on termination. Both situations involve certain risks and mandatory provisions of the Code of Obligations must be observed. We are happy to support you, drafting and reviewing notices of termination, termination agreements or reference letters and also advising you on communication matters. Unfortunately, court proceedings cannot always be avoided. In this case we represent you with commitment and competence.

Non-competition and non-solicitation undertakings

Post-contractual non-competition and non-solicitation clauses in employment contracts regularly provide a target for conflicts and even lengthy court proceedings. The courts have a wide scope of discretion in its assessment. Therefore, there are various court decisions that must be taken into account. We provide you with advice and support, are always up to date and represent you in court.

Restructuring and optimization

Many processes in business life directly affect the employees of companies: Legal entities are sold or merged and there are corresponding employee transfers or mass redundancies. New customer relationships are to be established or processes optimized, which can be achieved with personnel leasing or outsourcing, for example. Perhaps you want to recruit employees from abroad or establish a new company or branch in Switzerland and hire employees. We support and accompany you in these processes and obtain the necessary permits.

Anwalt der Kanzlei Streichenberg schreibt auf Microsoft Surface Notizen auf

Private Clients

Beglaubigung von Dokumenten mit Apostille oder Legalisation in der Schweiz

Manuel Bader  •   Natalia Surkova   •   February 2024


Competition and Regulatory

Bundesgericht: Tabaksteuer auf Cannabisblüten ist rechtswidrig

Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   February 2020

Alex Rabian

I often write and talk in a manner that is not very polished. I do this deliberately because I want to portray reality using simple language. So that my customers can understand me, I am succinct and precise. Or, to put it bluntly: no bullshit. This is not just how I communicate professionally, it is also how I am as a person. I take care of my rough edges so they don't wear down with age.

It is also vital that I get to know my customers’ personality, regardless of whether they are private individuals or companies. Their personality reveals their interests. Only once I know what they do and who they are can I support them in their interests. After all, the law is merely a tool to use to help shape the world and what goes on in it.

The financial sector is my main area of activity. I came into this sector as a young trainee attorney-at-law and have grown up with it. This world has changed radically at least five times in recent decades. From the technologisation of securities trading to the fight against criminal funds, investor protection and tax transparency, and through to digitisation, I have lived through it all. I have seen a lot over the last thirty years, but every day still brings me fresh challenges.

Main Focus

  • Banking and Finance
  • Corporate Law and Contracts
  • Anti-Money Laundering Law
  • Criminal Law
  • IT Law
  • Intellectual Property
  • Litigation and Arbitration
  • Mediation


  • German
  • English
  • French


  • University of Zurich (lic. iur. 1988)
  • Business mediator
  • Admitted to the bar 1992


  • Senior clerk with the Zurich district prosecutor’s office
  • Court clerk with the Zurich district court

Memberships – Publications – Specialties

  • Registered at the Zurich Bar Association
  • Chairman of the self-regulation organisation of the Swiss Association of Asset Managers (VSV-ASG)
  • Member of the Zurich and Swiss Bar Associations
Corporate MAB 2


Assistance in liability cases

We help you to identify and take into account liability risks as early as in the drafting process of contracts. Once the liability event has occurred, we support you in defending against liability claims and/or enforcing your claims for damages.

When private persons are facing liability events, many different parties are usually involved, especially in cases of personal injury, accident or health problems. With us, you keep track of complex matters.

Learn more about our services for businesses and individuals in our 4 core subjects, with various checklists and overviews.

Focus Areas

Das Haftpflichtrecht regelt  die Verantwortlichkeit für Schäden, die einer Person durch das Handeln oder Unterlassen einer anderen Person zugefügt werden. In einigen Fällen, wie im Strassenverkehr, besteht eine gesetzliche Versicherungspflicht, um Schäden abzudecken, die anderen Personen zugefügt werden könnten. Das Schweizer Haftpflichtrecht basiert auf den Grundsätzen der Kausalhaftung oder des Verschuldensprinzips. Versicherungen spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Abdeckung von Haftungsansprüchen und können obligatorisch oder freiwillig sein.

Vertragsrechtliche Haftung

Gemäß dem Schweizer Obligationenrecht (OR) haftet eine Person für Schäden, die sie durch die Verletzung eines Vertrags verursacht hat. Dies bedeutet, dass Vertragsparteien für Verletzungen ihrer vertraglichen Pflichten zur Verantwortung gezogen werden können.

Deliktische Haftung

Dies bezieht sich auf die Haftung für Schäden, die ohne Vertrag verursacht werden. Gemäß Artikel 41 OR haftet eine Person, die einer anderen widerrechtlich Schaden zufügt, für die Wiederherstellung des Schadens.


Das Produkthaftungsgesetz (PrHG) regelt die Haftung für Schäden, die durch fehlerhafte Produkte verursacht werden. Hersteller, Importeure und Lieferanten haften für Schäden, die durch Mängel ihrer Produkte entstehen, unabhängig davon, ob ein Vertrag besteht oder nicht.


Bestimmte Berufsgruppen, wie Ärzte, Anwälte und Architekten, unterliegen spezifischen Haftungsregeln, die ihre beruflichen Pflichten und die Verantwortlichkeit für Fehler oder Nachlässigkeiten in ihrer Tätigkeit regeln.


Besprechung zwischen Anwälten mit Tablet

Distribution law

Legal Project Management – Practical aspects of legal engineering in distribution projects

Dr. Christoph Wildhaber  •   April 2019