About us
Streichenberg has been dedicated to assisting companies and private individuals in Switzerland and internationally in legal matters (and especially commercial law) since 1997.
Helpdesk Arbeitsrecht
Pharmaceuticals and healthcare
Enlightening innovations in the field of teeth whitening?
Survivors' benefits from the pension fund for partners living separately
Employment relationships of dentists: self-employed or employed?
Dispute resolution and litigation
Recovery of losses from illegal online casinos in Switzerland
Pharmaceuticals and healthcare
MDR: Tasks and Duties of the Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance (PRRC)
Pharmaceuticals and healthcare
Zulassung von Organisationen und Einrichtungen: Wie müssen sich Leistungserbringer organisieren?
Distribution law
Hat Dein Vertrieb System?
Pharmaceuticals and healthcare
CH-REP: Solidarische Haftung des Bevollmächtigten für Medizinprodukte
Making-of Neuer Auftritt Streichenberg
Pharmaceuticals and healthcare
Health Technology Assessment (HTA) - Stakeholderkonsultation: Wie ist vorzugehen?
Pharmaceuticals and healthcare
Nicht gebührende Vorteile - Aktuelle Praxis von Swissmedic
Pharmaceuticals and healthcare
Mythen und Fakten zur VITH
Competition and Regulatory
Missbrauch relativer Marktmacht im Automobilvertrieb
SME Desk
Aktienrechtsrevision 2023: Virtuelle Generalversammlung
Pharmaceuticals and healthcare
CH-REP and Importers
IT legislation and data protection
Digital Transformation in Switzerland
New Partner at Streichenberg
Distribution law
Das Franchisesystem schützen
Pharmaceuticals and healthcare