Verhältnis EU-Schweiz Medizinprodukte

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Failed EU-negotiations: What will change for medical devices?

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   June 2021

Besprechung auf Dachterrasse

Competition and Regulatory

Halten sich Deine Franchisenehmer an Preisempfehlungen?

Melanie Käser  •   Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   Dr. Christoph Wildhaber  •   May 2021

Rolf Herter


Interview mit Rolf Herter: "Oft geht es um Emotionen und weniger um Geld"

May 2021

Neuwagen beim Autohändler

Competition and Regulatory

Missbrauch relativer Marktmacht im Automobilvertrieb

Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   April 2021


Distribution law

Hast Du den Blick für das grosse Ganze?

Melanie Käser  •   Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   Dr. Christoph Wildhaber  •   April 2021


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Medical devices: Swiss authorized representatives after the New Medical Device Regulation - What needs to be considered?

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   April 2021

Schweizer Bundeshaus

Competition and Regulatory

Relative Marktmacht: Drastische Ausweitung der Missbrauchskontrolle im Schweizer Kartellrecht

Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   March 2021

Fracht Flughafen

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

New Medical Device Regulation: Is this now the end for parallel imports?

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   March 2021


Distribution law

Hat Dein Vertrieb System?

Melanie Käser  •   Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   Dr. Christoph Wildhaber  •   March 2021

About us

Your external legal provider with an eye for the essential.


IT legislation and data protection

Digital Transformation in Switzerland

Angelica Dünner-Graf  •   Melanie Käser  •   Matthias Stauffacher  •   February 2021

Spiegelung Kunstbild Reception

Distribution law

Sind Dienstleistungs-Konzepte geeignet für Franchising?

Melanie Käser  •   January 2021

Rechtsanwalt Matthias Stauffacher mit Rechtsanwältin Andrea Waditschatka im Büro der Kanzlei Streichenberg


Survivors' benefits from the pension fund for partners living separately

Manuel Bader  •   July 2024

Mythen und Fakten (Jacob Lund)AdobeStock_166186247.jpeg

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Mythen und Fakten zur VITH

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   January 2020

Adobe Stock:  94181844 (Africa Studio)

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Cannabis: Verantwortlichkeit der verantwortlichen Person

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   August 2022


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Integrität und Transparenz

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   May 2022


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Nicht gebührende Vorteile - Aktuelle Praxis von Swissmedic

Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   July 2018

Anwalt auf Stockerstrasse

Private Clients

Personal care

If you want to focus on the important things in life, you need the right specialists who are always on hand with help and advice and who are already thinking about tomorrow, today. A responsible task, especially in the legal field.

Focus Areas

Choosing a legal adviser is not an easy decision, particularly for private individuals: after all, you are giving that person a deep insight into your own life. What is more, legal challenges are diverse and issues can be wide-ranging. With a specialist team for private clients, Streichenberg is able to meet these specific requirements and to provide you with technically competent and personally credible support. We understand how to respond to your private and business needs and how to find the best solutions for you and your family.

Authorities and authorisations made easy

With its 26 cantons, Switzerland offers interesting variety – from a legal perspective too. Every canton has its own legal peculiarities. This represents a challenge for anyone who has not grown up in Switzerland and for companies that operate across cantonal boundaries. For example, contact with the authorities is often stressful. We are here to help. We will obtain the necessary authorisations and advise you when choosing the optimal place of residence or company location.

A carefree stay in Switzerland

Are you and your family planning a relatively long stay in Switzerland for professional or personal reasons? We will accompany you every step of the way: from planning the move to obtaining the necessary residence and work permits, and through to managing your real estate, buying a home and securing this for the future. This will give you the peace of mind to enjoy your stay in Switzerland.

Asset protection for you and the next generation

Securing your movable and immovable assets, for both the short and the long term, nationally and internationally, is a core task for our team of specialists. To ensure that your most important transactions are conducted quickly and easily, we will also assume the task of coordinating with banks and insurance companies. We will also support you in asserting your financial claims or with estate planning.

All’s well if the family’s well

Early retirement and estate planning is worth the effort. We know from experience that families who maintain an open attitude to the challenges that lie ahead can avoid many problems in the future. That is why we are committed to looking after your family affairs: in estate planning, we know how to deal with complex family structures, and in the case of a divorce we will provide you with the right contacts from among our highly qualified and experienced attorneys-at-law. And when it comes to the wellbeing of your children and their education, our specialists in education law will offer you not only professional know-how, but also their personal experience as parents.

Security and predictability in tax matters

Taxes affect us all, whether as individuals, as companies, as heirs or as donees. We will advise you on matters relating to national and international tax planning, obtain tax rulings and apply for a tax exemption for your institution. We know exactly when a tax issue merits special attention. That is why we use our network of experienced tax experts to deal with complex circumstances.

Solidarhaftung Schweizer Bevollmächtigter (CH-REP)

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

CH-REP: Solidarische Haftung des Bevollmächtigten für Medizinprodukte

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   February 2022


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Information zu TQV mit anderen Arzneimitteln

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   May 2019

Arbeit am Computer

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

MDR: Tasks and Duties of the Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance (PRRC)

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   August 2021

Arbeit am Computer

IT legislation and data protection

Walking you through the digital transformation

The digital revolution has brought numerous new developments to the world of work, from promising business ideas to alternative forms of work through to innovative services. Yet these changes call for competence in dealing with the challenges that have arisen as a result.

Focus Areas

At Streichenberg, we are more than familiar with the concepts of the cloud, big data, agile development, IoT, AI, robotics, Industry X.0, data protection, cyber security and XaaS. They are the foundations that will enable us to guide you and your company into the future. Your challenges at the interface of digitisation, technology and law are our strengths.

Business idea: hand in hand with the legal strategy

What if you have a convincing business idea, but you see the legal issues and requirements as a hurdle? With our support, the law will become the way to your goal rather than an obstacle. We are certain that it is easier to implement a project and company strategy that has been designed with the law in mind, e.g. with good contracts. These are the first steps in the development of a stable and satisfying business relationship between customer and provider. The interests and concerns of both parties have to be addressed and reflected in the contract in clear, simple and understandable language. This is our core competence. But we will also be by your side if difficulties arise during the course of the project, such as due to cost overruns, delays, ambiguities, defects or change requests. We will always align our advice with your business model.

Digitisation: solutions for tomorrow already today

Are you planning to digitise your operations and to expand your online business? Depending on the industry, there are various regulatory requirements that you must bear in mind. Although the legislation is not as agile as technical and digital developments, we will work with you to find solutions that are sustainable and will correlate with the legal requirements for the long term.

Do you already OUTSOURCE or are you still working in TEAMS?

From collaboration with subcontractors to project teaming and through to IT or business process outsourcing in the regulatory domain (e.g. R&D or pharmaceuticals), different outsourcing projects present various challenges. We have the insight to guide you towards your target. Our long-standing experience with international transactions in this area helps us to identify and understand the mutual interests of customer and provider, and therefore to structure and negotiate the deal accordingly.

Are you still developing or are you already offering XaaS?

The basis for a digital transformation is also sharing IT infrastructure with others or using software as a service and thereby being able to scale it quickly according to requirements. This allows existing resources to be focused on the core business, but it does also raise questions, such as: What needs to be considered? Does it matter where my data is located geographically? And who ultimately owns the newly developed software? We will also advise you on which legal aspects must be taken into account for waterfall, agile development or DevOps, and if you want to set out such methods contractually, we have the answers and solutions.

Data:  the currency of the future

These days, data is often referred to as the currency of the future. For you, too, your data has a value that should not be underestimated. So, it is important to secure this asset contractually, conceptually and technically. Data protection and data security are not only part of compliance, but also part of value creation. You also need to take a holistic view of which cloud solutions are used within the company and which data is stored where. What was once “nice to know” is these days a responsibility of the executive management – with regard to the GDPR and the Data Protection Act as well. We will help you to implement a data management policy and to generate the necessary awareness among employees, customers and suppliers. We will also guide you pragmatically and in a solution-oriented manner on your path to compliance, with tools, contract texts, analyses and implementation recommendations.

Rabatte Arzneimittelhandel (simona)AdobeStock_281373876.jpeg

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Rabatte im Arzneimittelhandel

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   March 2019