About us

Streichenberg has been dedicated to assisting companies and private individuals in Switzerland and internationally in legal matters (and especially commercial law) since 1997.



Helpdesk Arbeitsrecht

Bleachingprodukt für die Zähne

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Enlightening innovations in the field of teeth whitening?

Matthias Stauffacher  •   August 2024

Rechtsanwalt Matthias Stauffacher bespricht mit Rechtsanwältin Andrea Waditschatka einen Fall im Sitzungszimmer


Employment relationships of dentists: self-employed or employed?

Andrea Waditschatka  •   June 2024

Besprechung mit Anwalt


Your rights in the event of an accident

Manuel Bader  •   May 2024


Dispute resolution and litigation

Recovery of losses from illegal online casinos in Switzerland

Manuel Bader  •   Nina Patrizia Maute  •   Andrea Waditschatka  •   Aline Widmer  •   March 2023


SME Desk

Streichenberg berät das Aktionariat der Padma AG beim Verkauf an die Galenica Gruppe

Melanie Käser  •   Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Wildhaber  •   January 2023


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Medical devices: New challenges

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   March 2021


Distribution law

Vertriebssysteme: Die Qual der Wahl

Melanie Käser  •   September 2020

Anwälte verlassen Stockerstrasse 38

Distribution law

Successfully scaling business models

Turning a business idea into reality requires a solid legal foundation. It is vital to find the right partners, equip them with the necessary resources and at the same time protect your own know-how in the long term. Distribution law requires not only outstanding professional expertise but also an in-depth understanding of relevant business issues. Streichenberg is aware of the challenges that arise where the law and business intersect, and offers tailor-made support.

Focus Areas

A strategic choice: the most suitable distribution channel and the right partners

The best choice of distribution model depends on various factors: Are you seeking a national or international distribution network? How much of an impact do you wish to have on growth, quality and customer relations? What type of distribution partner do you have the most faith in – large corporations or individuals? We help you identify and set up the right distribution channel for you, i.e. franchising, an agency solution or an exclusive distribution agreement. We will also advise you when it comes to selecting your partners.

The cornerstone: development of business structures and drafting of contracts

The purpose of drafting the contract is to anticipate as many future issues and challenges as possible. The more watertight the contract drafted, the better prepared you are for future developments. For example, it is vital to ascertain which sales structures are suitable for your business area and how you can best leverage e-commerce to boost sales. Together we will develop a tailor-made contract solution for your business model.

The right balance: leadership with trust and control

With carefully selected partners and a well-drafted contract, you can avoid any difficulties in a working relationship to a large extent. It is therefore worth considering how much control the sales department in your business segment needs and how you can ensure that your sales partner fulfils its obligations. Should problems arise however, Streichenberg is on hand to offer advice, i.e. how to legitimately gain access to a sales partner's premises – and in a worst case scenario, how to separate from a partner.

Regulatory framework: special requirements for compliance

Your partners also have rights. Under antitrust and competition law, you must grant them certain freedoms, including when it comes to pricing. We work with you to define to what extent you are allowed to control the market behaviour of your distributors. Other key compliance issues concern data protection and public employment law. In addition, certain products and services must meet specific legal requirements and authorisations, for example, pharmaceutical, food or tobacco tax laws.

Preparing for the future: flexibility and innovation

You have a successful business model and want to legally secure your know-how and protect your USP. At the same time, you are wondering how to keep your business idea fresh: how do you ensure that you can quickly adapt your distribution system so that it is in line with changing market conditions and customer needs? Do innovations you have made to the distribution system belong to you? And what do you need to consider if you want to try out new ideas directly on the market? It is also crucial to involve your distribution partners in the information management in an appropriate way – after all, collaboration is the key to success.

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Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Mythen und Fakten zur VITH

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   January 2020


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Failed EU-negotiations: What about the Swiss healthcare system?

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   June 2021

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Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Zusammenarbeit mit Ärztinnen und Ärzten: Entschädigung für Zusatz- und Mehrleistungen

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   September 2020



VITH: Aufgaben und Pflichten der verantwortlichen Person

Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   May 2022


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Information zu TQV mit anderen Arzneimitteln

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   May 2019


Distribution law

Hat Dein Vertrieb System?

Melanie Käser  •   Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   Dr. Christoph Wildhaber  •   March 2021


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Zusammenarbeit mit Auftragslaboren: Unterliegen Vergütungen der Weitergabe?

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   July 2021

Nina Maute

Streichenberg offers trainees twelve months of practical preparation for the bar exam. While university courses impart the necessary theoretical knowledge in isolation, the job of an attorney-at-law requires the ability to interlink different fields of law as well as an in-depth understanding of the legal context.

What does a junior associate at Streichenberg need to bring to the table?

A junior associate at Streichenberg must certainly have the ability to manage several jobs at the same time. Due to the fact that you have the chance to work on many different cases and with different partners as a junior associate, it is possible that you will receive several assignments at the same time. So it certainly helps if you have a talent for organisation and can set priorities correctly. It is also important to have flair for independence and to tackle some tasks, no matter how big they may seem at first.

What fascinates you about law?

One of the things that fascinates me about law is the skilful use of language. Depending on the interpretation and the situation, one word can be decisive for a completely different outcome of the matter. I also think that the power of knowing your own rights is very exiciting.

Why do you want to become a lawyer?

I want to become a lawyer because the profession has inspired me since I was young. I like the linguistic skills and the networked thinking that are necessary for a successful lawyer. I am also very interested in providing legal support to people and companies in difficult situations. 

What expects junior associate at Streichenberg?

For this reason, trainees at Streichenberg are not assigned to just one partner; instead, they can get involved in all areas and are actively encouraged and guided. This gives them a broad insight into the different fields and activities. They have contact with clients and authorities, learn what is needed for a court brief, and how to compose a successful legal document. This requires a desire to learn, flexibility, and absolute reliability.

Bundesgerichtsurteil Justizöffentlichkeit

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Streichenberg vs. Amtsgeheimnis

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   May 2022

Besprechung Anwalt und Assistentin in Büro


From A as in agreement to Z as in zoom-meeting

From the onboarding process to the termination of an employment relationship, as well as far beyond, various legal issues, conflicts and questions can arise for all parties to an employment relationship. This requires foresight as well as comprehensive advice and guidance.

Focus Areas

Like many other areas of law, employment law is highly exposed to current world events as well as constantly changing social topics and is developing rapidly. We offer our clients competent, comprehensive advice and support in all day-to-day and new challenges of employment law and provide customized solutions.

Contract drafting

The employment relationship gives rise to innumerable rights and obligations for both parties. The foresighted drafting of an employment contract can make a substantial contribution to avoiding future conflicts. We support you in negotiating and drafting contracts, including accompanying documents such as expense regulations, employee handbook or whistleblowing guidelines. In addition, we advise you on all aspects of compensation.

Smooth daily business

We are also familiar with the daily challenges for employers and employees, be it in relation to the pandemic with home office and short-time work, the regulatory requirements of public employment law or the rules of the Gender Equality Act. We analyse and optimise your processes in onboarding as well as in offboarding and thus help you to identify potential conflicts and to avoid or amicably resolve them through a proactive approach.


An employment relationship can be terminated unilaterally by one party or the parties can mutually agree on termination. Both situations involve certain risks and mandatory provisions of the Code of Obligations must be observed. We are happy to support you, drafting and reviewing notices of termination, termination agreements or reference letters and also advising you on communication matters. Unfortunately, court proceedings cannot always be avoided. In this case we represent you with commitment and competence.

Non-competition and non-solicitation undertakings

Post-contractual non-competition and non-solicitation clauses in employment contracts regularly provide a target for conflicts and even lengthy court proceedings. The courts have a wide scope of discretion in its assessment. Therefore, there are various court decisions that must be taken into account. We provide you with advice and support, are always up to date and represent you in court.

Restructuring and optimization

Many processes in business life directly affect the employees of companies: Legal entities are sold or merged and there are corresponding employee transfers or mass redundancies. New customer relationships are to be established or processes optimized, which can be achieved with personnel leasing or outsourcing, for example. Perhaps you want to recruit employees from abroad or establish a new company or branch in Switzerland and hire employees. We support and accompany you in these processes and obtain the necessary permits.

Arbeit am Computer

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

MDR: Tasks and Duties of the Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance (PRRC)

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   August 2021

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New Partner at Streichenberg

August 2022


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Nicht gebührende Vorteile - Aktuelle Praxis von Swissmedic

Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   July 2018